all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2RE 9 0 56.118232 -3.944886
FK8 2RF 9 0 56.118664 -3.947095
FK8 2RG 8 2 56.118715 -3.945007
FK8 2RH 2 0 56.119052 -3.944873
FK8 2RJ 14 0 56.119585 -3.94682
FK8 2RL 2 0 56.11879 -3.94383
FK8 2RN 3 0 56.118684 -3.943574
FK8 2RQ 3 1 56.11913 -3.947167
FK8 2RW 1 1 56.117081 -3.939198
FK8 2SA 1 1 56.115682 -3.918925
FK8 2QS 1 0 56.114409 -3.944548
FK8 2LB 0 56.110336 -3.938376
FK8 2PP 49 0 56.106842 -3.944691
FK8 2PU 14 0 56.107067 -3.94578
FK8 2PX 63 0 56.107722 -3.946334
FK8 2PY 39 0 56.106701 -3.947338
FK8 2WN 1 1 56.110805 -3.939445
FK8 2HE 2 56.109607 -3.938559
FK8 2AD 6 0 56.11286 -3.940314
FK8 2AB 16 0 56.106305 -3.945082