all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2PS 12 0 56.107663 -3.950078
FK8 2PT 28 0 56.109359 -3.949054
FK8 2PW 14 0 56.105437 -3.951026
FK8 2QA 6 2 56.117478 -3.93851
FK8 2QD 1 1 56.115875 -3.93933
FK8 2QE 1 1 56.11678 -3.93952
FK8 2QG 34 6 56.116348 -3.938952
FK8 2QJ 5 2 56.117179 -3.93939
FK8 2QL 12 5 56.117618 -3.94176
FK8 2QP 24 0 56.116661 -3.942474
FK8 2QR 10 1 56.114315 -3.943643
FK8 2QT 51 0 56.114737 -3.945369
FK8 2QU 13 0 56.116936 -3.947298
FK8 2QW 41 0 56.11598 -3.944097
FK8 2QX 8 0 56.118179 -3.946508
FK8 2QY 8 1 56.117726 -3.948039
FK8 2QZ 8 1 56.117622 -3.945386
FK8 2RA 7 0 56.116585 -3.945591
FK8 2RB 12 0 56.117417 -3.946984
FK8 2RD 6 0 56.117591 -3.947453