all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 3BA 3 0 56.121884 -4.071183
FK8 3BB 25 0 56.123027 -4.089762
FK8 3BD 1 0 56.12322 -4.083128
FK8 3BG 6 1 56.131395 -4.074221
FK8 3BH 6 0 56.124696 -4.082484
FK8 3BJ 18 2 56.125613 -4.084561
FK8 3BL 3 0 56.124875 -4.083604
FK8 3BN 22 1 56.12615 -4.105362
FK8 3BP 35 0 56.125629 -4.087876
FK8 3BQ 13 0 56.123338 -4.078806
FK8 3BS 20 0 56.125003 -4.087713
FK8 3BT 7 0 56.122765 -4.077585
FK8 3BU 9 0 56.124509 -4.087307
FK8 3BW 24 2 56.124941 -4.084492
FK8 3BX 19 0 56.124225 -4.084807
FK8 3BY 8 0 56.123552 -4.085302
FK8 3BZ 51 0 56.124341 -4.08964
FK8 3DA 10 0 56.126136 -4.082883
FK8 3DB 7 0 56.125574 -4.082129
FK8 3DD 23 0 56.126294 -4.081524