all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 3DE 4 0 56.136589 -4.067837
FK8 3DF 4 0 56.152768 -4.090073
FK8 3DG 12 0 56.122096 -4.075699
FK8 3DH 8 0 56.126742 -4.087968
FK8 3DL 36 0 56.126597 -4.176007
FK8 3DN 40 6 56.126213 -4.172434
FK8 3DP 49 0 56.124491 -4.175164
FK8 3DR 8 1 56.124991 -4.175337
FK8 3DS 4 1 56.127024 -4.171171
FK8 3DT 47 2 56.127886 -4.175275
FK8 3DU 4 0 56.128213 -4.174189
FK8 3DW 4 0 56.126103 -4.171924
FK8 3DX 6 0 56.127284 -4.171218
FK8 3DY 10 0 56.128323 -4.166771
FK8 3DZ 40 1 56.125264 -4.172633
FK8 3EA 4 0 56.129046 -4.178285
FK8 3ED 18 0 56.125751 -4.16793
FK8 3EF 32 0 56.12544 -4.169216
FK8 3EG 5 0 56.125854 -4.170735
FK8 3EH 27 0 56.126142 -4.168826