all postcodes in G1 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 1HF 0 55.85873 -4.243394
G1 1HJ 2 55.860264 -4.248979
G1 1HL 5 55.860373 -4.24841
G1 1HP 3 55.860226 -4.248114
G1 1HY 1 55.860073 -4.246366
G1 1JE 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G1 1JF 0 55.861702 -4.247512
G1 1JG 0 55.86019 -4.24955
G1 1JH 1 55.862247 -4.246681
G1 1JN 0 55.861945 -4.247656
G1 1JQ 8 55.860029 -4.247544
G1 1JT 1 55.860799 -4.24722
G1 1LD 5 55.857732 -4.245861
G1 1LE 3 55.858577 -4.245398
G1 1LF 1 55.858682 -4.246253
G1 1LG 10 55.85796 -4.245397
G1 1LH 5 55.8575 -4.244523
G1 1LQ 7 55.857721 -4.244007
G1 1LX 10 55.857269 -4.243376
G1 1NB 6 55.858034 -4.242603