all postcodes in G1 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G1 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 1RS 1 55.861245 -4.244691
G1 1RU 5 55.86046 -4.243863
G1 1RX 1 55.860995 -4.246563
G1 1SH 5 55.859012 -4.248156
G1 1SJ 0 55.858523 -4.248351
G1 1SL 1 55.857746 -4.24853
G1 1SS 3 55.858653 -4.246617
G1 1TD 0 55.858358 -4.247016
G1 1TF 6 55.85911 -4.246707
G1 1TS 8 55.858922 -4.250116
G1 1TX 0 55.858935 -4.249398
G1 1TY 1 55.858744 -4.249741
G1 1UG 7 55.858564 -4.249267
G1 1UH 1 55.859601 -4.248877
G1 1UL 5 55.857768 -4.249029
G1 1UP 3 55.859058 -4.248574
G1 1UR 2 55.859351 -4.248481
G1 1UT 2 55.859152 -4.24834
G1 1UZ 8 55.858694 -4.24932
G1 1XH 1 55.861109 -4.243547