all postcodes in G1 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G1 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 1LY 1 55.860886 -4.247897
G1 1NL 9 55.857026 -4.242946
G1 1NP 15 55.85883 -4.24578
G1 1NQ 1 55.858733 -4.244704
G1 1NW 0 55.857856 -4.243008
G1 1NX 1 55.858017 -4.244024
G1 1NY 11 55.858369 -4.24398
G1 1PA 0 55.857948 -4.243397
G1 1PE 1 55.858597 -4.242795
G1 1PG 1 55.858261 -4.242472
G1 1PH 8 55.858515 -4.242073
G1 1PP 2 55.860188 -4.240314
G1 1PU 0 55.858155 -4.24189
G1 1QB 0 55.860049 -4.240529
G1 1QE 3 55.860777 -4.241546
G1 1QF 2 55.859733 -4.240338
G1 1QH 0 55.859569 -4.242212
G1 1QU 1 55.860921 -4.245949
G1 1RE 1 55.860197 -4.245446
G1 1RF 9 55.86098 -4.244227