all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 0NB 2 0 55.886197 -4.306226
G12 0ND 14 0 55.887041 -4.306531
G12 0NE 22 0 55.888525 -4.307914
G12 0NF 40 0 55.889483 -4.311953
G12 0NG 14 0 55.890191 -4.313051
G12 0NJ 25 0 55.886106 -4.323778
G12 0NL 16 0 55.888255 -4.302205
G12 0NN 20 0 55.884487 -4.308074
G12 0NP 3 0 55.884755 -4.309114
G12 0NQ 36 0 55.888696 -4.310803
G12 0NR 16 0 55.884056 -4.306625
G12 0NS 9 1 55.883262 -4.304372
G12 0NT 11 1 55.883412 -4.303069
G12 0NU 37 0 55.883944 -4.304428
G12 0NX 28 2 55.884787 -4.306957
G12 0NY 8 0 55.885332 -4.308092
G12 0NZ 11 0 55.884708 -4.303978
G12 0PB 18 0 55.884952 -4.305303
G12 0PD 12 0 55.884246 -4.303679
G12 0PE 14 0 55.884 -4.299522