all postcodes in G13 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G13 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G13 2JY 12 0 55.903415 -4.340428
G13 2LB 26 0 55.903016 -4.341556
G13 2LD 4 0 55.902705 -4.342482
G13 2LE 38 0 55.9019 -4.341616
G13 2LF 21 0 55.900209 -4.341706
G13 2LG 12 0 55.900357 -4.343363
G13 2LJ 4 0 55.90128 -4.342587
G13 2LL 34 0 55.901914 -4.343249
G13 2LN 14 0 55.903037 -4.343285
G13 2LQ 2 0 55.901109 -4.343713
G13 2ND 16 0 55.900607 -4.334149
G13 2NF 25 0 55.898545 -4.33276
G13 2NG 18 0 55.899907 -4.331098
G13 2NH 20 0 55.899006 -4.333572
G13 2NJ 20 0 55.898656 -4.333567
G13 2NL 17 0 55.899651 -4.332267
G13 2NN 25 0 55.899918 -4.332874
G13 2NP 34 0 55.900089 -4.333349
G13 2NQ 4 0 55.89945 -4.334527
G13 2NR 24 0 55.900634 -4.335445