all postcodes in G13 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G13 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G13 2RQ 4 0 55.900548 -4.33664
G13 2RX 27 0 55.89774 -4.337814
G13 2RY 12 0 55.896615 -4.336435
G13 2RZ 8 0 55.896061 -4.335971
G13 2SN 16 0 55.894122 -4.335677
G13 2SP 3 1 55.894867 -4.339194
G13 2SR 14 0 55.894725 -4.338017
G13 2SS 4 0 55.894335 -4.337274
G13 2ST 18 0 55.894535 -4.335734
G13 2SU 3 0 55.894794 -4.335302
G13 2SW 19 2 55.894418 -4.338574
G13 2SX 10 0 55.895234 -4.335792
G13 2SY 5 0 55.895198 -4.336318
G13 2SZ 13 0 55.894963 -4.337311
G13 2TA 15 0 55.895377 -4.337288
G13 2TB 8 0 55.89576 -4.335745
G13 2TD 12 0 55.895247 -4.335153
G13 2TE 3 3 55.895603 -4.334391
G13 2TG 6 3 55.894537 -4.333896
G13 2TL 64 0 55.892437 -4.330202