all postcodes in G13 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G13 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G13 2NS 20 0 55.901658 -4.335443
G13 2NT 26 0 55.901436 -4.334853
G13 2NU 18 0 55.900853 -4.333972
G13 2NW 36 0 55.900134 -4.334311
G13 2NY 10 0 55.900878 -4.3325
G13 2NZ 21 0 55.901502 -4.332778
G13 2PA 23 0 55.902736 -4.334548
G13 2PB 18 0 55.901552 -4.333932
G13 2PD 4 0 55.902486 -4.3349
G13 2PE 10 0 55.902635 -4.335581
G13 2PF 20 0 55.903316 -4.336646
G13 2PG 5 0 55.903147 -4.33702
G13 2PH 11 0 55.903383 -4.335946
G13 2PJ 46 0 55.90226 -4.333095
G13 2PL 30 0 55.901287 -4.330861
G13 2PN 28 0 55.902728 -4.333059
G13 2PQ 1 0 55.903791 -4.336259
G13 2QD 4 0 55.895203 -4.339502
G13 2QG 17 0 55.895608 -4.337894
G13 2QH 3 0 55.896542 -4.337934