all postcodes in G22 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G22 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G22 6NX 4 3 55.892403 -4.260243
G22 6NY 42 0 55.893565 -4.26255
G22 6NZ 30 0 55.894298 -4.261809
G22 6PA 30 0 55.894023 -4.263041
G22 6PB 18 0 55.894554 -4.263503
G22 6PD 45 1 55.894086 -4.26402
G22 6PE 39 0 55.893546 -4.265028
G22 6PF 37 0 55.893288 -4.267332
G22 6PG 4 0 55.893721 -4.26627
G22 6PH 36 0 55.893999 -4.267294
G22 6PJ 34 0 55.894301 -4.267023
G22 6PL 26 0 55.894605 -4.267569
G22 6PN 12 2 55.895431 -4.266178
G22 6PP 40 0 55.894802 -4.265197
G22 6PQ 15 0 55.8937 -4.270347
G22 6PR 46 0 55.893047 -4.269685
G22 6PS 1 0 55.896095 -4.265704
G22 6PT 30 0 55.893737 -4.271293
G22 6QD 32 0 55.892596 -4.258079
G22 6QE 32 0 55.892928 -4.258083