all postcodes in G34 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G34 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G34 0LQ 1 0 55.871814 -4.106231
G34 0LR 1 0 55.870894 -4.103752
G34 0ND 10 0 55.869563 -4.116435
G34 0NG 12 0 55.869647 -4.113642
G34 0NH 24 0 55.869481 -4.115455
G34 0NJ 8 0 55.869552 -4.114932
G34 0NL 10 0 55.869892 -4.115557
G34 0NN 16 0 55.870226 -4.115228
G34 0NP 24 0 55.870152 -4.113014
G34 0NQ 18 0 55.869001 -4.114102
G34 0NR 48 0 55.87059 -4.114157
G34 0NW 48 0 55.870147 -4.114325
G34 0NZ 6 3 55.868279 -4.109556
G34 0PJ 2 0 55.865698 -4.10624
G34 0PL 26 0 55.864294 -4.105552
G34 0PN 22 0 55.866508 -4.106439
G34 0PP 20 0 55.865302 -4.105447
G34 0PS 3 0 55.864997 -4.102266
G34 0PT 3 0 55.865073 -4.102062
G34 0PU 3 2 55.864586 -4.101864