all postcodes in G34 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G34 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G34 0PW 45 0 55.865545 -4.106004
G34 0PX 11 0 55.864353 -4.103158
G34 0PZ 40 0 55.86453 -4.105437
G34 0QA 10 0 55.864866 -4.105232
G34 0QB 6 0 55.864989 -4.106421
G34 0LT 2 2 55.869878 -4.109823
G34 0NB 1 1 55.869834 -4.11004
G34 0DJ 11 0 55.869582 -4.097447
G34 0HH 4 0 55.869026 -4.103171
G34 0EW 16 0 55.871055 -4.098022
G34 0EZ 12 0 55.869478 -4.098565
G34 0EG 10 0 55.869738 -4.098335
G34 0JF 2 55.868908 -4.097703
G34 0GN 0 55.871827 -4.099119
G34 0GP 0 55.871522 -4.099646
G34 9AA 49 0 55.862083 -4.12282
G34 9AB 5 0 55.862662 -4.123107
G34 9AD 7 0 55.863372 -4.123146
G34 9AE 30 0 55.86218 -4.123991
G34 9AF 17 0 55.863448 -4.12446