all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 4DU 8 0 55.834927 -4.28899
G41 4DX 2 0 55.835295 -4.288231
G41 4DY 4 0 55.834866 -4.287136
G41 4DZ 9 0 55.835875 -4.287768
G41 4EA 32 0 55.834814 -4.285374
G41 4EB 8 0 55.836311 -4.290671
G41 4EE 5 0 55.837268 -4.302224
G41 4EH 9 0 55.839075 -4.294489
G41 4EJ 6 0 55.838615 -4.295069
G41 4EL 4 0 55.839715 -4.29729
G41 4EN 9 0 55.839269 -4.298078
G41 4EP 3 0 55.84018 -4.300288
G41 4EQ 4 0 55.83898 -4.29287
G41 4ER 2 1 55.840049 -4.298861
G41 4ES 9 0 55.840318 -4.303012
G41 4ET 8 0 55.840039 -4.301605
G41 4EU 4 0 55.839092 -4.304648
G41 4EW 5 0 55.839425 -4.301777
G41 4EX 10 0 55.83981 -4.303748
G41 4EY 11 0 55.838702 -4.303427