all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 4JN 1 0 55.840275 -4.295199
G41 4JP 3 1 55.839955 -4.296473
G41 4JQ 3 0 55.839751 -4.29151
G41 4JR 1 0 55.841986 -4.298398
G41 4JS 1 0 55.838864 -4.296169
G41 4JW 1 0 55.839702 -4.295596
G41 4LA 20 0 55.836938 -4.284285
G41 4LB 1 1 55.836271 -4.28439
G41 4LD 42 0 55.83666 -4.285674
G41 4LE 24 0 55.837113 -4.286963
G41 4LF 10 0 55.836674 -4.28879
G41 4LG 43 0 55.837158 -4.288866
G41 4LH 23 0 55.837254 -4.28614
G41 4LJ 8 0 55.838142 -4.285745
G41 4LL 10 1 55.838584 -4.286139
G41 4LN 2 1 55.838249 -4.283581
G41 4LQ 23 0 55.837252 -4.284751
G41 4LU 9 9 55.838328 -4.27472
G41 4LW 9 0 55.837282 -4.2764
G41 4LX 51 0 55.838118 -4.275906