all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 4RA 7 0 55.835427 -4.295408
G41 4RB 33 0 55.835137 -4.297483
G41 4RD 2 1 55.833594 -4.297074
G41 4RE 24 0 55.835498 -4.29856
G41 4RF 1 0 55.835703 -4.300854
G41 4RH 12 0 55.836098 -4.299935
G41 4RJ 18 0 55.836308 -4.298766
G41 4RL 24 0 55.836114 -4.296888
G41 4RN 40 0 55.836853 -4.298958
G41 4RR 29 0 55.837863 -4.30071
G41 4RS 21 0 55.837401 -4.299469
G41 4RT 1 0 55.836803 -4.296799
G41 4RU 4 0 55.837124 -4.295971
G41 4RX 4 0 55.837207 -4.29489
G41 4RY 4 0 55.837682 -4.295972
G41 4RZ 2 0 55.83744 -4.297589
G41 4SA 1 0 55.837598 -4.296606
G41 4SB 8 0 55.838336 -4.298933
G41 4SD 5 0 55.838809 -4.298179
G41 4SE 5 0 55.8382 -4.295667