all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 5HA 13 0 55.842345 -4.291231
G41 5HD 5 0 55.842828 -4.290844
G41 5HE 21 0 55.843369 -4.29078
G41 5HF 3 0 55.843888 -4.288974
G41 5HG 3 0 55.843671 -4.288051
G41 5HH 8 0 55.84433 -4.285981
G41 5HJ 15 0 55.84389 -4.286434
G41 5HL 3 0 55.843186 -4.284636
G41 5HN 10 0 55.843539 -4.286925
G41 5HP 14 0 55.842949 -4.282913
G41 5HQ 1 0 55.844575 -4.287305
G41 5HR 1 0 55.843547 -4.310103
G41 5HT 9 0 55.844417 -4.276897
G41 5HW 24 0 55.842636 -4.284747
G41 5JA 16 0 55.845434 -4.291381
G41 5JB 2 0 55.84667 -4.291614
G41 5JF 27 0 55.84573 -4.290424
G41 5JG 1 1 55.845219 -4.287696
G41 5JH 5 0 55.845944 -4.285708
G41 5JJ 30 0 55.846155 -4.282094