all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 5NY 1 0 55.840987 -4.30952
G41 5PG 1 1 55.844652 -4.288206
G41 5PH 17 0 55.844251 -4.291184
G41 5PJ 7 0 55.844707 -4.29177
G41 5PL 9 0 55.844307 -4.292976
G41 5PN 74 1 55.845281 -4.292347
G41 5PP 14 0 55.847063 -4.29218
G41 5PQ 5 0 55.844791 -4.289203
G41 5PR 25 0 55.84684 -4.294052
G41 5PS 20 0 55.84533 -4.294522
G41 5PT 15 0 55.84646 -4.294189
G41 5PU 8 0 55.844583 -4.295548
G41 5PX 6 0 55.844045 -4.296938
G41 5PY 20 0 55.843306 -4.295122
G41 5PZ 14 0 55.843853 -4.294211
G41 5QA 13 0 55.84601 -4.293747
G41 5QD 8 0 55.845964 -4.29571
G41 5QE 1 1 55.848157 -4.300504
G41 5QJ 1 0 55.846412 -4.296295
G41 5QP 5 0 55.841039 -4.283647