all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 5JL 30 0 55.846115 -4.281309
G41 5JN 30 0 55.846077 -4.280476
G41 5JP 42 0 55.846486 -4.287977
G41 5JQ 3 0 55.845228 -4.286513
G41 5JR 76 0 55.846471 -4.290212
G41 5JT 30 0 55.845847 -4.28754
G41 5JU 12 0 55.846019 -4.289117
G41 5JW 48 0 55.846154 -4.287909
G41 5LA 8 0 55.845302 -4.304664
G41 5LB 3 0 55.844911 -4.305887
G41 5LD 7 0 55.845541 -4.306771
G41 5LE 1 0 55.845889 -4.305961
G41 5LF 2 0 55.846065 -4.307347
G41 5LH 5 0 55.846114 -4.308834
G41 5LJ 10 0 55.845427 -4.309496
G41 5LN 2 0 55.844728 -4.310095
G41 5LP 4 0 55.844891 -4.308857
G41 5LQ 10 0 55.845586 -4.307764
G41 5LR 3 0 55.844988 -4.307042
G41 5LS 12 0 55.844451 -4.306435