all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3QG 47 0 55.827533 -4.287374
G41 3QH 54 0 55.828028 -4.295547
G41 3QJ 48 0 55.828232 -4.293259
G41 3QP 5 3 55.829394 -4.28544
G41 3QQ 59 0 55.827797 -4.294894
G41 3QR 17 0 55.829882 -4.286698
G41 3QS 14 0 55.830606 -4.286964
G41 3QT 11 0 55.83066 -4.288356
G41 3QU 16 0 55.83109 -4.28942
G41 3QX 8 0 55.830421 -4.289173
G41 3QY 11 0 55.830285 -4.288223
G41 3QZ 12 0 55.830013 -4.287887
G41 3RA 8 0 55.829804 -4.288961
G41 3RB 11 0 55.829616 -4.28796
G41 3RD 8 0 55.829304 -4.287845
G41 3RE 6 0 55.829144 -4.288698
G41 3RF 9 0 55.828956 -4.287713
G41 3RG 16 3 55.828364 -4.28883
G41 3RH 7 1 55.827405 -4.292301
G41 3RJ 10 1 55.827929 -4.290256