all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3SQ 14 0 55.830233 -4.29202
G41 3SR 1 1 55.82772 -4.295688
G41 3SW 21 0 55.829039 -4.292892
G41 3SX 27 0 55.828392 -4.294834
G41 3SY 35 0 55.828635 -4.293826
G41 3SZ 12 0 55.828848 -4.294445
G41 3TB 24 0 55.828713 -4.293226
G41 3TD 1 1 55.828246 -4.293021
G41 3TL 14 2 55.830769 -4.281081
G41 3TN 1 1 55.831158 -4.281886
G41 3TP 4 2 55.831778 -4.284334
G41 3TR 1 1 55.831036 -4.283652
G41 3TT 18 0 55.831912 -4.282441
G41 3TU 12 0 55.832172 -4.282666
G41 3TW 18 0 55.831473 -4.282831
G41 3TX 30 0 55.832602 -4.283488
G41 3TY 30 0 55.832346 -4.283729
G41 3TZ 6 0 55.831991 -4.283037
G41 3UA 36 0 55.832115 -4.284082
G41 3UB 6 0 55.832459 -4.284438