all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3RL 11 1 55.827653 -4.290607
G41 3RN 28 0 55.826916 -4.289637
G41 3RP 14 2 55.828724 -4.28636
G41 3RQ 4 3 55.828003 -4.29229
G41 3RR 38 3 55.829283 -4.284619
G41 3RS 13 5 55.828637 -4.284533
G41 3RT 27 0 55.828555 -4.286093
G41 3RW 58 0 55.827809 -4.287997
G41 3RY 40 0 55.832974 -4.284771
G41 3RZ 40 0 55.832738 -4.286354
G41 3SB 10 0 55.828708 -4.289902
G41 3SD 13 0 55.829402 -4.290294
G41 3SE 16 0 55.830047 -4.290396
G41 3SF 11 0 55.830414 -4.290482
G41 3SG 25 0 55.83117 -4.290941
G41 3SH 9 0 55.82943 -4.291717
G41 3SJ 10 0 55.828815 -4.291425
G41 3SL 1 0 55.828538 -4.291345
G41 3SN 6 1 55.828394 -4.292295
G41 3SP 19 0 55.829492 -4.294148