all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3XR 30 0 55.831676 -4.28206
G41 3XS 30 0 55.831974 -4.281535
G41 3XW 6 0 55.832993 -4.283766
G41 3YA 33 2 55.8302 -4.279754
G41 3YE 53 0 55.8307 -4.27948
G41 3YF 34 8 55.831125 -4.279329
G41 3YG 37 7 55.830782 -4.279884
G41 3YH 27 6 55.830445 -4.280599
G41 3YL 46 1 55.82931 -4.281235
G41 3YN 31 12 55.829339 -4.282067
G41 3YP 1 1 55.829362 -4.282055
G41 3YQ 1 1 55.840761 -4.263697
G41 3YR 29 11 55.82859 -4.282951
G41 3YT 41 3 55.827724 -4.283873
G41 3YW 1 1 55.829584 -4.2817
G41 3DH 32 0 55.826324 -4.275041
G41 3DG 54 0 55.826443 -4.275878
G41 3BY 19 0 55.829219 -4.278372
G41 3BN 10 0 55.829009 -4.278583
G41 3BF 16 0 55.82887 -4.278782