all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 2PA 6 0 55.855062 -4.22567
G40 2PE 5 2 55.855045 -4.222633
G40 2PG 1 1 55.85501 -4.22204
G40 2QA 1 1 55.851684 -4.225589
G40 2QE 1 1 55.85191 -4.226001
G40 2QF 2 2 55.850857 -4.225799
G40 2QL 2 2 55.850136 -4.225455
G40 2QN 20 3 55.850428 -4.223967
G40 2QP 53 2 55.850236 -4.22832
G40 2QS 21 1 55.850136 -4.227194
G40 2QR 25 24 55.851073 -4.222598
G40 2QT 1 1 55.851483 -4.22775
G40 2QW 32 32 55.850881 -4.224776
G40 2RA 1 1 55.854047 -4.220627
G40 2RH 5 4 55.851596 -4.231942
G40 2RR 30 0 55.853054 -4.230317
G40 2RS 36 0 55.853672 -4.229425
G40 2RT 48 0 55.853089 -4.228913
G40 2RU 43 1 55.852557 -4.229969
G40 2RW 38 0 55.853074 -4.231228