all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 2RZ 51 5 55.852779 -4.228639
G40 2SA 22 2 55.853227 -4.228233
G40 2SB 16 6 55.854561 -4.236938
G40 2SL 2 1 55.854777 -4.236106
G40 2SN 55 0 55.854845 -4.236123
G40 2SQ 34 0 55.853833 -4.232438
G40 2SR 9 3 55.854618 -4.237724
G40 2SS 2 2 55.854405 -4.236835
G40 2ST 5 2 55.854144 -4.237122
G40 2TA 4 4 55.851863 -4.220167
G40 2TF 13 0 55.851726 -4.233164
G40 2TG 8 0 55.852546 -4.232303
G40 2TR 2 2 55.851563 -4.217564
G40 2TT 4 2 55.85205 -4.219235
G40 2TU 2 2 55.852621 -4.219717
G40 2TX 4 3 55.85244 -4.219291
G40 2UH 2 1 55.852584 -4.217303
G40 2UJ 3 3 55.852652 -4.217993
G40 2UN 1 1 55.853247 -4.216156
G40 2UY 1 1 55.852167 -4.21774