all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 2UZ 6 2 55.85192 -4.218972
G40 2WA 1 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 2YG 1 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 2AD 46 0 55.856285 -4.229591
G40 2AN 25 0 55.856087 -4.228621
G40 2AG 22 0 55.856364 -4.229164
G40 2UD 0 55.854189 -4.217727
G40 2UB 2 55.853131 -4.214378
G40 2UA 3 55.852081 -4.217785
G40 2UT 32 0 55.853999 -4.215831
G40 2PW 0 55.854132 -4.21643
G40 2TB 0 55.852026 -4.232015
G40 2TD 0 55.851299 -4.232453
G40 2AF 1 1 55.852428 -4.223714
G40 2SX 1 1 55.854139 -4.237108
G40 3AH 2 2 55.84937 -4.219069
G40 3AP 9 8 55.850066 -4.221856
G40 3BB 1 1 55.848403 -4.219666
G40 3BD 42 0 55.848605 -4.217888
G40 3BE 13 0 55.848282 -4.218365