all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 3RZ 2 1 55.849541 -4.218072
G40 3SA 13 3 55.850069 -4.217445
G40 3SD 4 2 55.850407 -4.217144
G40 3SR 32 0 55.847851 -4.223072
G40 3TA 3 3 55.849432 -4.225875
G40 3TB 1 1 55.850156 -4.223842
G40 3TX 10 1 55.849508 -4.215703
G40 3YD 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 3YE 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 3YJ 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 3PX 7 7 55.845932 -4.215627
G40 3HA 0 55.845313 -4.217062
G40 3AS 1 55.849444 -4.223224
G40 3LD 11 0 55.844313 -4.209705
G40 3LE 20 0 55.84483 -4.209431
G40 3LF 12 0 55.844436 -4.208849
G40 3LG 4 0 55.845134 -4.208505
G40 3LH 14 0 55.845069 -4.20962
G40 3RN 10 0 55.848914 -4.212714
G40 3RP 8 0 55.848906 -4.211164