all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 3JZ 3 3 55.843445 -4.216955
G40 3LY 11 0 55.846758 -4.221649
G40 3NB 1 1 55.848166 -4.213822
G40 3NX 1 1 55.847666 -4.213138
G40 3NY 4 4 55.848326 -4.211434
G40 3PA 1 1 55.846529 -4.215917
G40 3PE 1 1 55.847891 -4.215643
G40 3PG 58 0 55.847679 -4.218427
G40 3QF 14 8 55.847158 -4.21394
G40 3QR 11 0 55.850677 -4.214667
G40 3QS 18 0 55.8503 -4.214135
G40 3QU 21 0 55.851159 -4.213832
G40 3QX 29 0 55.850845 -4.213287
G40 3RA 33 0 55.849275 -4.212654
G40 3RB 2 2 55.848886 -4.208018
G40 3RD 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 3RE 1 1 55.849224 -4.206485
G40 3RR 48 0 55.845581 -4.219138
G40 3RW 1 1 55.848766 -4.206459
G40 3RX 1 1 55.849171 -4.216451