all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 3HE 13 0 55.842743 -4.211806
G40 3HF 24 0 55.842426 -4.213192
G40 3HU 51 1 55.845528 -4.205863
G40 3HW 18 3 55.847979 -4.202724
G40 3JB 17 0 55.842657 -4.21132
G40 3JD 20 0 55.843397 -4.21039
G40 3JE 4 0 55.843997 -4.210009
G40 3JF 4 0 55.844468 -4.210834
G40 3JG 28 0 55.843776 -4.210585
G40 3JH 35 0 55.843153 -4.212259
G40 3JJ 12 0 55.842959 -4.211513
G40 3JL 38 0 55.843612 -4.212716
G40 3JN 24 0 55.844024 -4.211781
G40 3JP 4 0 55.844278 -4.212405
G40 3JQ 8 0 55.843653 -4.211408
G40 3JR 12 0 55.843748 -4.213381
G40 3JS 30 0 55.843825 -4.214072
G40 3JT 4 4 55.847148 -4.211705
G40 3JU 8 5 55.843982 -4.217356
G40 3JW 6 0 55.84449 -4.211344