all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4LP 4 0 55.862404 -4.3343
G51 4LQ 16 0 55.862239 -4.33493
G51 4LR 2 0 55.862503 -4.334963
G51 4LS 1 1 55.862399 -4.344673
G51 4LW 8 0 55.86218 -4.333775
G51 4NA 32 0 55.856323 -4.333168
G51 4NB 1 1 55.857992 -4.3333
G51 4ND 10 1 55.856936 -4.334036
G51 4NE 14 0 55.856399 -4.334355
G51 4NF 56 0 55.856764 -4.335032
G51 4NG 64 0 55.856389 -4.335393
G51 4NH 18 0 55.857356 -4.334636
G51 4NJ 2 0 55.858301 -4.334231
G51 4NL 16 0 55.858725 -4.334926
G51 4NN 18 0 55.859177 -4.334794
G51 4NP 2 0 55.858648 -4.336329
G51 4NQ 56 0 55.856961 -4.335987
G51 4NR 54 0 55.857912 -4.335613
G51 4NS 16 0 55.85738 -4.335886
G51 4NT 4 0 55.858365 -4.337781