all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4NU 16 0 55.858367 -4.337222
G51 4NW 32 0 55.858361 -4.335176
G51 4NX 16 0 55.858665 -4.338103
G51 4NY 12 0 55.858919 -4.337031
G51 4NZ 12 0 55.859141 -4.336214
G51 4PA 12 0 55.859495 -4.335084
G51 4PB 14 0 55.859921 -4.334439
G51 4PE 6 2 55.859533 -4.334016
G51 4PL 27 6 55.864272 -4.333917
G51 4PP 17 2 55.864029 -4.332032
G51 4PT 45 1 55.863173 -4.331198
G51 4PU 32 0 55.862399 -4.331409
G51 4PW 19 5 55.864151 -4.332215
G51 4PX 33 0 55.862966 -4.330754
G51 4PY 33 0 55.862613 -4.330845
G51 4PZ 11 0 55.861045 -4.332972
G51 4QA 8 0 55.86178 -4.335445
G51 4QB 7 0 55.861808 -4.333977
G51 4QD 12 2 55.861802 -4.32955
G51 4QE 12 0 55.8614 -4.329909