all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 4JG 13 0 55.857776 -4.340414
G51 4JH 7 0 55.857338 -4.340756
G51 4JJ 28 0 55.854875 -4.338116
G51 4JP 21 0 55.864641 -4.331957
G51 4JQ 8 0 55.858007 -4.341499
G51 4JR 34 0 55.86408 -4.333138
G51 4JS 55 0 55.864054 -4.334
G51 4JT 36 1 55.864347 -4.334673
G51 4JU 30 0 55.86146 -4.336225
G51 4JX 16 0 55.859837 -4.336959
G51 4JZ 2 0 55.857927 -4.338811
G51 4LA 22 0 55.859376 -4.339935
G51 4LB 40 0 55.859529 -4.340376
G51 4LE 4 0 55.859774 -4.336189
G51 4LF 16 0 55.860227 -4.336279
G51 4LG 24 0 55.861126 -4.335822
G51 4LH 31 0 55.860778 -4.334762
G51 4LJ 14 0 55.860153 -4.334996
G51 4LL 2 0 55.860712 -4.333193
G51 4LN 20 0 55.860906 -4.334162