all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 5JF 17 0 55.922443 -4.143421
G66 5JG 1 0 55.922197 -4.140527
G66 5JH 6 0 55.923391 -4.142129
G66 5JN 26 0 55.92293 -4.143864
G66 5JP 32 0 55.92228 -4.146597
G66 5JQ 8 0 55.923031 -4.142205
G66 5JR 7 0 55.922242 -4.145187
G66 5JT 8 0 55.919562 -4.148383
G66 5JW 21 0 55.923183 -4.144278
G66 5LA 2 0 55.914941 -4.17458
G66 5LB 1 0 55.910236 -4.166652
G66 5LD 1 1 55.902671 -4.161943
G66 5LE 1 0 55.903169 -4.151988
G66 5LF 6 0 55.913135 -4.137327
G66 5LG 4 0 55.909531 -4.133972
G66 5LH 1 0 55.911806 -4.125569
G66 5LJ 8 0 55.918862 -4.13074
G66 5LL 1 0 55.920715 -4.139437
G66 5LN 2 0 55.926495 -4.106769
G66 5LP 2 0 55.933721 -4.096195