all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0TE 39 0 55.77177 -4.089798
G72 0TG 9 0 55.771208 -4.089576
G72 0TU 9 0 55.771419 -4.089843
G72 0JN 8 0 55.770877 -4.094772
G72 0JW 8 0 55.769129 -4.090836
G72 0JQ 52 0 55.768587 -4.093103
G72 0TF 15 0 55.770582 -4.088363
G72 0TD 17 0 55.770593 -4.091361
G72 0DE 1 55.777553 -4.096948
G72 0FT 3 55.780979 -4.101597
G72 0AH 5 4 55.776672 -4.100153
G72 0HT 9 7 55.780152 -4.098443
G72 0AP 14 0 55.794462 -4.092277
G72 0TY 19 0 55.773475 -4.092631
G72 0TZ 37 0 55.772427 -4.091873
G72 0WJ 15 0 55.772789 -4.092802
G72 0WL 12 0 55.772358 -4.093799
G72 0AT 4 0 55.759857 -4.114295
G72 0BJ 0 55.792752 -4.093988
G72 0NZ 0 55.791526 -4.084379