all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G72 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0YP 40 0 55.783826 -4.080061
G72 0YQ 38 0 55.78467 -4.081142
G72 0YR 12 0 55.793196 -4.091392
G72 0YS 36 15 55.794058 -4.093512
G72 0YT 23 0 55.783732 -4.080837
G72 0YU 7 0 55.78523 -4.081523
G72 0YW 36 0 55.784395 -4.083568
G72 0YX 16 0 55.785371 -4.082185
G72 0YY 6 0 55.784858 -4.080642
G72 0YZ 8 0 55.785809 -4.081283
G72 0JH 67 0 55.769826 -4.094731
G72 0JR 34 0 55.769866 -4.09078
G72 0TB 56 0 55.770836 -4.090321
G72 0QF 15 0 55.788769 -4.089575
G72 0QB 6 0 55.788644 -4.090047
G72 0TX 10 0 55.770617 -4.087855
G72 0JT 7 0 55.769058 -4.093925
G72 0JU 12 0 55.768926 -4.094285
G72 0GU 3 0 55.771719 -4.100732
G72 0GY 16 0 55.774806 -4.096753