all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0TH 13 11 55.792146 -4.076995
G72 0TJ 9 0 55.784373 -4.104938
G72 0TL 11 1 55.78063 -4.107766
G72 0TN 6 0 55.768235 -4.130819
G72 0TP 12 1 55.769708 -4.115024
G72 0TQ 1 1 55.790166 -4.076618
G72 0TR 1 0 55.766855 -4.113722
G72 0TS 2 0 55.774087 -4.104686
G72 0TT 1 0 55.778949 -4.112555
G72 0TW 1 0 55.770843 -4.124472
G72 0UA 1 1 55.781093 -4.085927
G72 0UL 1 1 55.783041 -4.088184
G72 0UP 27 11 55.781644 -4.086104
G72 0US 1 1 55.781079 -4.086198
G72 0UZ 6 6 55.782978 -4.087945
G72 0WT 36 0 55.786678 -4.088363
G72 0WU 8 0 55.787713 -4.088275
G72 0WW 8 0 55.788073 -4.088246
G72 0XB 36 22 55.781803 -4.088565
G72 0XE 1 1 55.783438 -4.08862