all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 2NZ 29 0 55.824662 -4.221906
G73 2PA 50 0 55.824883 -4.222142
G73 2PB 3 0 55.825399 -4.220447
G73 2PD 10 0 55.825335 -4.220507
G73 2PH 65 0 55.824222 -4.209906
G73 2PJ 12 0 55.825078 -4.210548
G73 2PL 9 0 55.824882 -4.2117
G73 2PN 18 0 55.824651 -4.213076
G73 2PP 5 0 55.824647 -4.211288
G73 2PQ 1 1 55.823511 -4.209978
G73 2PR 28 0 55.824754 -4.210847
G73 2PS 19 0 55.824501 -4.210401
G73 2PT 25 0 55.824306 -4.213232
G73 2PU 18 0 55.824808 -4.215352
G73 2PW 32 0 55.824891 -4.213712
G73 2PX 8 0 55.825177 -4.216062
G73 2PY 11 0 55.82462 -4.215804
G73 2PZ 8 0 55.824855 -4.216475
G73 2QA 21 0 55.824009 -4.215291
G73 2QB 6 0 55.82392 -4.213242