all postcodes in G82 / DUMBARTON

find any address or company within the G82 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G82 4HT 15 0 55.944249 -4.581336
G82 4JA 10 0 55.947093 -4.581236
G82 4JB 13 0 55.947145 -4.582201
G82 4JD 2 1 55.948352 -4.582521
G82 4JE 15 0 55.94792 -4.585425
G82 4JG 28 0 55.947591 -4.584937
G82 4JH 1 1 55.945923 -4.593605
G82 4JL 18 0 55.948015 -4.591614
G82 4JQ 25 0 55.947705 -4.590104
G82 4JR 10 0 55.947196 -4.592505
G82 4JS 12 0 55.947878 -4.580553
G82 4JT 9 0 55.946763 -4.579325
G82 4JW 6 0 55.947363 -4.593541
G82 4LA 4 0 55.96654 -4.581394
G82 4LB 7 0 55.967291 -4.583303
G82 4LD 11 0 55.967983 -4.584937
G82 4LE 8 0 55.967435 -4.583618
G82 4LF 20 1 55.967011 -4.584567
G82 4LG 4 0 55.966725 -4.583714
G82 4LH 8 0 55.96641 -4.583773