all postcodes in G82 / DUMBARTON

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G82 4NJ 11 0 55.972013 -4.584773
G82 4NL 35 3 55.971324 -4.584293
G82 4NN 4 0 55.970567 -4.584292
G82 4NP 9 1 55.968677 -4.584823
G82 4NQ 5 0 55.972682 -4.585026
G82 4NR 1 1 55.969678 -4.585963
G82 4NS 9 0 55.972468 -4.585797
G82 4NU 6 0 55.967631 -4.584656
G82 4NZ 8 0 55.968875 -4.588698
G82 4PA 29 0 55.975311 -4.585666
G82 4PB 8 0 55.973911 -4.582126
G82 4PD 24 0 55.972325 -4.582341
G82 4PE 44 4 55.971638 -4.583818
G82 4PF 2 1 55.972776 -4.584502
G82 4PG 21 0 55.9727 -4.582863
G82 4PH 10 0 55.972975 -4.582625
G82 4PJ 12 0 55.973348 -4.582409
G82 4PL 8 1 55.973312 -4.584666
G82 4PN 6 0 55.972997 -4.585078
G82 4PP 28 0 55.973812 -4.585999