all postcodes in G82 / DUMBARTON

find any address or company within the G82 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G82 4PQ 10 0 55.972782 -4.583702
G82 4PR 34 0 55.974487 -4.584649
G82 4PS 39 0 55.974145 -4.58392
G82 4PT 1 0 55.975006 -4.585213
G82 4PU 2 1 55.975201 -4.589729
G82 4PW 25 0 55.973843 -4.58536
G82 4PX 1 0 55.974573 -4.590425
G82 4PY 2 0 55.972623 -4.593051
G82 4PZ 14 2 55.976052 -4.585042
G82 4QA 34 0 55.976141 -4.583909
G82 4QB 8 1 55.978115 -4.582663
G82 4QD 12 0 55.974301 -4.580694
G82 4QE 26 0 55.974594 -4.581274
G82 4QF 24 0 55.974555 -4.581865
G82 4QG 15 0 55.976473 -4.583387
G82 4QH 8 0 55.976019 -4.58278
G82 4QL 20 0 55.975808 -4.579977
G82 4QQ 8 0 55.976581 -4.581246
G82 4QR 16 0 55.976022 -4.580889
G82 4QS 30 0 55.975182 -4.579791