all postcodes in GL10 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL10 2JQ 1 1 51.743664 -2.280093
GL10 2JR 11 1 51.743915 -2.278585
GL10 2JS 7 1 51.743743 -2.27912
GL10 2JT 7 0 51.742921 -2.278452
GL10 2JU 2 0 51.743412 -2.278235
GL10 2JW 26 1 51.745107 -2.279896
GL10 2JX 4 0 51.743507 -2.277833
GL10 2JY 25 0 51.743368 -2.275775
GL10 2JZ 12 0 51.742558 -2.274348
GL10 2LT 2 1 51.740696 -2.270817
GL10 2LA 16 8 51.739055 -2.268881
GL10 2LB 6 5 51.73907 -2.268421
GL10 2LD 1 1 51.740691 -2.27082
GL10 2LE 5 0 51.739764 -2.271553
GL10 2LF 4 0 51.745014 -2.279261
GL10 2LG 12 0 51.740072 -2.270237
GL10 2LH 5 5 51.7413 -2.266201
GL10 2LL 1 1 51.742231 -2.269989
GL10 2LQ 44 2 51.74111 -2.26487
GL10 2LS 44 0 51.744375 -2.277705