all postcodes in GL10 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL10 2LU 1 1 51.741721 -2.264961
GL10 2LW 45 9 51.740642 -2.264752
GL10 2NA 60 31 51.747045 -2.283402
GL10 2NG 44 13 51.747097 -2.282777
GL10 2NH 1 1 51.745889 -2.28212
GL10 2NN 1 1 51.746211 -2.282484
GL10 2NP 20 11 51.74807 -2.285593
GL10 2NR 33 0 51.746249 -2.283742
GL10 2NS 1 1 51.745229 -2.283434
GL10 2NT 6 1 51.748915 -2.283805
GL10 2NU 17 0 51.749291 -2.284314
GL10 2NW 30 0 51.748568 -2.285831
GL10 2NX 2 0 51.749362 -2.283008
GL10 2NY 6 0 51.749403 -2.282736
GL10 2NZ 22 4 51.750842 -2.282571
GL10 2PA 4 0 51.749686 -2.282778
GL10 2PB 15 5 51.750876 -2.283455
GL10 2PE 6 0 51.751194 -2.282052
GL10 2PG 62 0 51.750529 -2.285365
GL10 2PH 10 0 51.751424 -2.287181