all postcodes in GL11 / WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE

find any address or company within the GL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL11 5BL 2 0 51.689364 -2.300167
GL11 5BN 2 0 51.678988 -2.310555
GL11 5BP 9 0 51.673872 -2.31622
GL11 5BQ 5 0 51.68813 -2.330294
GL11 5BS 3 0 51.673133 -2.320293
GL11 5BT 20 2 51.679192 -2.30716
GL11 5BW 26 0 51.676738 -2.313868
GL11 5BX 2 0 51.678708 -2.297276
GL11 5BY 5 0 51.681752 -2.279349
GL11 5BZ 14 1 51.683418 -2.289484
GL11 5DA 13 0 51.686387 -2.299513
GL11 5DH 19 0 51.714019 -2.365539
GL11 5DJ 26 0 51.714225 -2.362689
GL11 5DL 2 0 51.71117 -2.360405
GL11 5DN 25 0 51.715051 -2.363202
GL11 5DP 1 0 51.718546 -2.355211
GL11 5DQ 26 18 51.709989 -2.364434
GL11 5DR 3 0 51.722229 -2.350433
GL11 5DS 1 1 51.720554 -2.348263
GL11 5DT 6 0 51.71859 -2.343587