all postcodes in GL11 / WOTTON-UNDER-EDGE

find any address or company within the GL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL11 5DU 5 0 51.720455 -2.338998
GL11 5DW 4 0 51.716699 -2.35634
GL11 5DX 5 0 51.718036 -2.339298
GL11 5DY 4 0 51.717343 -2.339467
GL11 5DZ 14 0 51.717313 -2.337252
GL11 5EA 5 0 51.714864 -2.335439
GL11 5EB 15 1 51.713495 -2.332924
GL11 5ED 4 0 51.714061 -2.333175
GL11 5EE 2 0 51.713615 -2.33317
GL11 5EF 29 0 51.71257 -2.332628
GL11 5EG 22 0 51.71143 -2.330216
GL11 5EH 14 0 51.707401 -2.329059
GL11 5EJ 21 0 51.70695 -2.326393
GL11 5EL 28 0 51.702839 -2.321688
GL11 5EN 12 0 51.700412 -2.327098
GL11 5EP 48 0 51.711535 -2.333185
GL11 5EQ 2 0 51.708519 -2.335651
GL11 5ER 10 0 51.713023 -2.364807
GL11 5EW 28 0 51.698116 -2.337528
GL11 5EX 30 1 51.697724 -2.369357