all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

find any address or company within the GL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 1LE 19 1 51.828863 -2.457756
GL14 1LF 1 0 51.827076 -2.428398
GL14 1LH 4 0 51.81991 -2.447713
GL14 1LN 17 0 51.824751 -2.412329
GL14 1LP 3 0 51.827704 -2.421468
GL14 1LR 10 0 51.830369 -2.420245
GL14 1LS 7 0 51.835865 -2.42211
GL14 1LT 2 1 51.841113 -2.429939
GL14 1LU 1 0 51.844383 -2.421276
GL14 1LW 4 0 51.827602 -2.414705
GL14 1LX 5 0 51.848054 -2.407765
GL14 1LY 8 0 51.845174 -2.406041
GL14 1LZ 2 0 51.844436 -2.405686
GL14 1NA 26 0 51.844061 -2.408078
GL14 1NB 31 0 51.843887 -2.403736
GL14 1ND 12 2 51.839665 -2.407878
GL14 1NE 5 0 51.831539 -2.406658
GL14 1NF 3 0 51.829194 -2.404286
GL14 1NG 2 0 51.847533 -2.409648
GL14 1NH 3 0 51.844556 -2.420551