all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

find any address or company within the GL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 1PA 24 6 51.824773 -2.413098
GL14 1PB 1 1 51.823399 -2.410764
GL14 1PD 10 1 51.822846 -2.411237
GL14 1PE 1 0 51.82297 -2.406813
GL14 1PF 4 1 51.821233 -2.40465
GL14 1PG 9 0 51.817989 -2.409989
GL14 1PH 16 2 51.832274 -2.397348
GL14 1PJ 13 0 51.836145 -2.395307
GL14 1PL 25 2 51.845208 -2.39604
GL14 1PN 2 0 51.830084 -2.370685
GL14 1PP 1 0 51.856891 -2.383902
GL14 1PQ 11 0 51.826079 -2.40481
GL14 1PR 5 0 51.85665 -2.394369
GL14 1PS 7 0 51.823447 -2.412317
GL14 1PT 2 0 51.852496 -2.393983
GL14 1PU 46 0 51.825292 -2.414568
GL14 1PW 3 0 51.849189 -2.38507
GL14 1QA 4 0 51.822413 -2.402049
GL14 1QB 15 0 51.823801 -2.395634
GL14 1QD 1 0 51.828178 -2.38743