all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

find any address or company within the GL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2SF 1 1 51.824944 -2.499345
GL14 2SH 22 11 51.824064 -2.499074
GL14 2SL 15 7 51.825264 -2.499726
GL14 2SP 4 2 51.825247 -2.500001
GL14 2SQ 7 6 51.824046 -2.498494
GL14 2ST 5 0 51.825762 -2.499528
GL14 2SU 27 3 51.826106 -2.500331
GL14 2SW 64 0 51.823191 -2.503475
GL14 2SX 18 6 51.825702 -2.500341
GL14 2SZ 41 3 51.827461 -2.501665
GL14 2TA 12 0 51.828693 -2.500998
GL14 2TB 40 4 51.827658 -2.501204
GL14 2TD 26 2 51.829138 -2.502613
GL14 2TE 44 0 51.83052 -2.503194
GL14 2TF 42 0 51.829715 -2.504302
GL14 2TG 14 0 51.829174 -2.504761
GL14 2TH 9 0 51.828227 -2.505374
GL14 2TJ 22 0 51.827918 -2.50614
GL14 2TP 3 0 51.828861 -2.502189
GL14 2TQ 7 0 51.828637 -2.50416