all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2TS 8 0 51.791609 -2.498396
GL14 2TT 7 1 51.816055 -2.492182
GL14 2TU 5 2 51.811247 -2.486778
GL14 2TX 45 0 51.793078 -2.495614
GL14 2TY 22 0 51.791671 -2.499891
GL14 2TZ 46 0 51.791056 -2.499449
GL14 2UA 20 2 51.792351 -2.495331
GL14 2UB 15 1 51.790128 -2.487042
GL14 2UD 5 0 51.788514 -2.487518
GL14 2UE 4 0 51.785884 -2.487084
GL14 2UF 8 0 51.783117 -2.486749
GL14 2UG 11 0 51.791258 -2.494391
GL14 2UH 2 0 51.78998 -2.514777
GL14 2UQ 9 0 51.787435 -2.492479
GL14 2XA 7 0 51.823985 -2.492355
GL14 2XB 6 0 51.823572 -2.492133
GL14 2XD 4 0 51.824816 -2.497718
GL14 2XE 9 0 51.825029 -2.4899
GL14 2XP 20 0 51.827332 -2.502447
GL14 2XW 38 0 51.826067 -2.503783