all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 2YA 8 4 51.826095 -2.511329
GL14 2YB 11 6 51.826166 -2.510096
GL14 2YD 17 12 51.833539 -2.511964
GL14 2YF 3 3 51.835334 -2.510128
GL14 2YG 2 2 51.827359 -2.51426
GL14 2YH 3 3 51.826343 -2.51284
GL14 2YJ 1 1 51.824945 -2.513782
GL14 2YL 1 1 51.834403 -2.509841
GL14 2YQ 1 1 51.826742 -2.511989
GL14 2YS 1 1 51.823061 -2.49812
GL14 2YT 3 3 51.835252 -2.510924
GL14 2WW 1 1 51.823061 -2.49812
GL14 2RZ 0 51.822063 -2.49821
GL14 2XQ 0 51.827978 -2.502542
GL14 2TL 23 0 51.82316 -2.50227
GL14 2TN 4 0 51.823903 -2.500393
GL14 2GH 1 1 51.833436 -2.514924
GL14 2DB 1 1 51.822631 -2.495648
GL14 2FD 10 0 51.823011 -2.495188
GL14 2UJ 13 0 51.793068 -2.497905